Its a three day weekend here in the UK so I took the chance to visit a
Gaming Show in Exeter called Legionary 2014 run by the Exmouth ImperialWargames Club and to finish my latest Bones miniature.
were a around half a dozen different Egyptian style miniatures in the Bones
Kickstarter I backed and i've been looking forward to painting them for a while
I thought
i'd start with the Stone Golem, its a really iconic miniature and will no doubt
see some action in plenty of dungeons. It also fills a gap in my
collection for a Golem so even if we don't run a game in a middle eastern
setting it'll fit in for most generic settings too.
I wanted
a sandy style finish so mixed a base coat of Citadel Bubonic Brown with a touch
of pure white, washed with Reikland Fleshshade and Nuln Oil and highlighted
with a 50/50 Bubonic Brown & Pure White mix.
I considered painting the skirt as white linen but it has cracks which suggests its really part of the sculpture, I was going to paint the crown and bracers in white and dark red like the double crown of Egypt but decided against it. In the end I just painted the eyes a glowing Scorpion Green which I think adds an air of drama as the only other colour on the model.
I hope you like it, i'd love to hear your opinions on whether I should have painted the crown, skirt & bracers in other colours though so please leave a comment.
More Golem photos at the bottom but first....

There were around a dozen large tables with wargames ongoing from Ancient to modern periods, and the quality of the painting was excellent and we were made to feel very welcome by everyone we spoke to.

The core rules only cost £20 from their website but is currently out of stock, hopefully this will change soon as i'm very keen to get it and start building some scenery and painting some of their excellent miniatures.
Thanks to Hendy Badger and (possibly) Ross for showing us the game and infecting us with their enthusiasm!