The Spirit & The Agent
Two more miniatures finished for the 1930s Pulp game. The first is a spare miniature I had, The Creeping Claw from Bob Murch's Pulp Figures. I wanted the Steel Mask miniature from the Weird Villains set for my Weird Wars game so this one was just sitting in the pile of unpainted figures.
My character for the Pulp game is based on The Shadow, one of the first Radio adventure Crime Fighters. In this case though 'The Spirit' is the crime fighting alter ego of a german jet propulsion scientist who opposed and fled the Nazi's. Arriving in New York he saw the same oppression of freedom but from the Mafia and swore to continue his fight.
The painting of this model was pretty simple, a dark grey base coat with black shadows and lighter grey blended highlights, it did need some colour so despite it being a bit of a cliche I decided on a red lining for his cloak which does give the model a bit of style I think.
I actually wanted to use the Black Mist from Reaper (its included in the Kickstarter set I have coming) but unfortunately that won't arrive until March.
The second of the miniatures today is one of The O'Hare boys from Copplestone Casting's Gangsters range. I thought he looked more like an FBI agent though. He needs a coat of Anti-Shine as the Vallejo Model Colour I used for his suit came out a bit shiny.
When I first started painting these Copplestone models I thought that they were more realistic than the Bob Murch miniatures but lacked a little bit when it came to character. I can only admit my mistake publicly. The character in these figures is subtle but really well defined. The poses and expression are very easy to bring out with paint, at least I think so!
All of the miniatures for the Pulp game will be based on the Tiny Worlds cobbled bases, I have to admit these are much better than the ones I normally use, I paint primarily for tabletop use so normally don't do much with the bases but these ones are just too nice to pass on. Tiny Worlds have just put up a really good tutorial on how to paint their rocky bases which I can recommend very highly.
I'll have another couple of Copplestone miniatures to show you all in a day or two. Another one of the O'Hare boys and one of Frankie's Fingermen
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