This is the first of the Copplestone Castings Gangsters Mubaris has asked me to paint for his 1936 Savage Worlds Pulp game.
The next problem was with the Tiny Worlds cobblestone resin base. I didn't wash it properly and the Imperial Primer (again Games Workshop) that I use on these bases wouldn't stick. I ended up having to put three or four coats on. That was entirely my fault though and no blame should be laid at Tiny World's door.
Yahoo Serious - Inspiring Games Workshop brush design since 1988 |
While i'm having a go at Games Workshop I also have to say their 'Fine Detail' brushes have been giving me grief too. They consistently fail to hold a point and after a few uses tend to look like they were designed to look like Yahoo Serious' hairstyle.
I bought some Army Painter brushes today to try out and so far they are much better. We'll see how well they last. Ideally I want to get Winsor & Newton Series 7 brushes but until I can get some the Army Painter ones will get a chance to prove their reliability.
As you can guess i'm not very happy with Games Workshop products today. But I am happy with how this sinister looking Gangster turned out, I hope Mubaris is too.
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