First is my computer. I find its such a huge benefit when painting to be able to see how someone else approached a paint job, to watch a quick video guide on blending or basing techniques or to have reference photos like Lizards when your painting dragons. One tip though is not to make a habit of putting any paints or liquids on your computer desk if you can avoid it.
On my painting desk I have the usual collection of figures that are finished, about to be started or are currently being worked on. I find I work better if I concentrate on 3-4 miniatures at a time, it saves having to wait ages for each stage to dry and with the deadlines i'm setting myself for completion it means I can be pretty productive.
Now there is something missing on my table which would really help me and my terrible eyesight. I'm waiting for a new angle poise magnifying lamp as I stupidly broke mine recently. I can't stress highly enough how useful these are to the aging painter!
I'll talk about paint and brushes next time.
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